English World - level 1 2 3 4 5 6

Author: Mary Bowen, Liz Hocking, Nick Beare

Publisher: MM

Publication date: 2009

Format / Quality: PDF+MP3

Size: 3.19GB

Description: English World - new, beautifully illustrated course of the English language, written by well-known teachers and students sponsored CMD Way Ahead.

English World combines the best traditions of English teaching with innovative methods of teaching English as a foreign language.

The effectiveness of the formation of lexical and grammatical skills is ensured by a variety of contexts and dialogues that reflect the realities of the modern world and real life situations.

In this post:

L1: Workbook, Pupilbook, Grammar Practicebook, audio, Teachersbook + DVD

L2: Workbook, Pupilbook, Grammar Practicebook, audio

L3: Workbook, Pupilbook, Grammar Practicebook, audio, CDrom

L4: Workbook, Grammar Practicebook

L5: Workbook, Pupilbook, audio (only 1 CD)
