Các mẹ ơi! Các mẹ có thích tự làm đủ thứ tỉ mẩn cho con mình không? Em thì chuẩn bị có bé đầu lòng, cái gì cũng thích tự làm cho con, cho dù người ta bán sẵn nhiều lắm. Có mẹ nào cùng sở thích này với em thì chúng mình lập thành hội để trao đổi kinh nghiệm và động viên nhau thực hành nhé!

Em khai trương sản phẩm đầu tiên đây nhé!

Đây là cái áo len liền tay liền thân em mới đan xong cho con, em chỉ có công thức tiếng Anh thôi, cứ gửi lên đây để mẹ nào thích thì mày mò nhé:


CO 68 sts on US Size 3 straight needles for collar.

Row 1: K5, K2, P2 rib across, K last 5 for button band

Row 2: K5, P2, K2 rib across, K last 5 for button band

Row 3: Work as Row 1, working a buttonhole in band at beginning of row for Boy (K2, yo, K2tog, K1 ), or at end for Girl (K1, K2tog, yo, K2). Buttonholes will be worked every 10th ridge (or 20 rows)

Row 4: As Row 2

Row 5: As Row 1

Row 6: As Row 2 - placing markers: Work 15 for front, pm, work 8 for sleeve, pm, work 22 for back, pm, work 8 for sleeve, pm, work last 15 for front. (A 3" piece of contrasting wool, tied with thread makes an excellent marker.)

Row 7(RS): Change to US Size 5 straight needles. Start yoke and raglan increases. All increases are the bar type: K into the front and back of same stitch.

K 5, *K to within 2 sts of marker, inc in next st, K 1, pass marker, inc in next st, * repeat between *'s 3 times. Work to within 5 sts of end, K5. (8 sts added)

Row 8: K5, P across, slipping markers, K last 5 sts

Row 9: Repeat Row 7

Row 10 (WS): K (This creates the raised stripe pattern.)

Repeat Rows 7, 8, 9, and 10 until each sleeve contains 38 sts (easier than counting the whole thing). End on WS.

Join body and put sleeves on holder.

(RS) *Work across to within 2 sts of marker, increase, K 1, remove marker. Put 38 sts of sleeve on holder without working. CO 4 sts at underarm. Remove next marker, increase in next st, *

Repeat between *'s once, finish row. (124 sts on needle)

Work even, continuing pattern and button bands and repeating buttonholes at the proper interval, ending on 3rd row of pattern, 7 ridges below the 4th buttonhole.

Start bottom band

(WS) Change to smaller straight needles. K5, P2, K2 ribbing across, K last 5.

Continue working in ribbing like collar, putting in 5th buttonhole at proper interval.

Work 4 rows after buttonhole, then bind off loosely in pattern.


With Size 5 US dpn's, pick up 38 stitches from holder - picking up 14 on 1st needle, 16 on second needle, 8 on third needle, and 6 sts from underarm, the 4 CO stitches, plus an extra stitch at each end of CO sts on fourth needle. (This helps prevent holes.)

Tie on yarn at the beginning of the underarm stitches. You will be working these stitches first.

Round 1: K5, K2tog, work until you reach the last stitch, K it together with the 1st stitch from the beginning of next round.

Round 2: P (the stripe pattern)

Round 3: K

Round 4: K

Round 5: K4, K2tog, work until you reach the last stitch, K it together with the 1st stitch from the beginning of next round.

Round 6: P (the stripe pattern)

Continue to work even on 40 sts until about one inch short of desired length. On 3rd row of pattern, *K2tog, K8* 4 times. (36 sts)

Change to smaller dpn's and work K2, P2 ribbing for about an inch. Bind off loosely (with crochet hook if desired).

Repeat for second sleeve.

Sew on buttons and weave in loose ends.

Có mẹ nào biết cắt may cái túi ngủ cho bé sơ sinh thì chỉ dẫn em vài đường với! Không thì có hình cho em tham khảo cũng được. Em cảm ơn nhiều!